Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Trying not to care too much!

This week is the voting for the UU Blog awards and though I am putting up a good front of pretending not to care about the vote totals, I notice I'm checking in on them a few times every day! So much for not caring, I guess.

I was so astounded to be nominated---and so pleased---that I kind of went into shock for a day or so, mentally futzing around about "should I ask people to vote for me?" or would that be too immodest?

I notice that my cyberpals PeaceBang and ChaliceChick are not a bit shy about asking for votes. Maybe I should get a little more out there.

But this is the season when I'm getting evaluated in a couple of other spots as well, namely my congregations, and I get angsty when people are looking to critique my output, my skills, my way of being in the world. So I guess some of my hesitance is tied to that old question of "what if I ask them to do something and they don't?" What does that mean?

And I keep hearing Sally Fields in the back of my head when she got her first Oscar: "you like me, you really like me!" Sally's a fun gal, but I don't want to emulate that wide-eyed ingenue act. Nosirreebob, Ms. Kitty's got too much pride to do such a thing.

But when you do go browsing past the voting booth and if you haven't voted yet, I won't mind if you vote for me.


Stephanie said...

I'm trying not to care too, but the fact that the totals change is just enough to make me compulsively check too. :)

Lilylou said...

Does this feel like junior high or what?

Joel Monka said...

I did vote for you in one category, but I voted for myself in the other. Not that it seems to be making any difference.

Lilylou said...

Sounds about like what I did, Joel. Thanks.

Chalicechick said...

I nominated you in the first place for one and nominated Joel for the other. I voted the same way I nominated.


Lilylou said...

You are a sweetie, CC, thanks.

Lilylou said...

And I realized I voted for each of you for something as well, as long as we're sharing.

LinguistFriend said...

And there you are in the vote lists, slugging it out with Peacebang's Beauty Tips, Sex, and Spirituality (there is a rumor that they are just alternative names for the same entity, but I think it is just a rumor). Goodness, who would have thought it? If you can compete with topics like that, you must have an interesting future as well as past.

Lilylou said...

And you can tell I'm thrilled to pieces, can't you? It feels great!