Monday, March 12, 2012

Is it possible for someone....

to deliberately sign somebody up for spam? I have had more spam in my email account in the past couple of months than I've ever had. My provider is pretty good about screening spam and putting it in a folder where I can check it, but the spam that is coming through right now is constant, two or three messages per hour, and occasionally it seems directed, as though somebody who wants to harass me in a few specific ways has signed me up for all these messages.

It could be that I'm just being paranoid, but the spam has increased since the last unwanted email I got from the weirdo who had been cyberstalking me. It would be in keeping with his bizarre behavior and accusations toward me, so I'm suspicious. Of course, I can't prove any of it, but some of the spam seems to reflect some of the things he accused me of.

So I just delete the spam and hope that eventually my provider gets the picture, that I wasn't the one who asked for these things. Annoying.

Lest anyone wonder, this cyberweirdo is NOT a UU blogger or anyone who has been published as a commenter on my blog.


Robin Edgar said...

In other words your own personal cyberweirdo is NOT that *other* cyberweirdo known as The Emerson Avenger. ;-)

I suppose that it is possible for someone to submit your email address to various websites that would then send you SPAM emails. I guess this is the 21st century version of someone sending a zillion pizza deliveries to an enemies address.

Lilylou said...

Thanks, Robin, I know it isn't you! I don't think you would do that to me.

But you've answered the question in my mind about whether it's possible.

Hope you're well.

Robin Edgar said...

I am a lot more "well" than certain Unitarian Universalists think I am. Enjoying the premature spring-like weather and conjunction of Venus and Jupiter.

Robin Edgar said...

Oops! Just noticed that I *should* have wrote "an enemy's" in my initial comment. These things happen. . .

BTW I wouldn't do that SPAM thing to anyone. I am much more direct when giving my enemies a piece of my mind. :-)

Tina T-P said...

Hi Kit - You know I get very strange (and sometimes frequent) spam on my hotmail accounts - even my church newsletter one - like "what the heck?" I was getting 40 or 50 a day - and I would always go through, select them all, sweep and block them - but new ones would always return - then one day, I realized that I hadn't gotten any for a while - they just kind of faded away to two or three a day - so maybe yours will stop too.

You know, you could re-purpose this blog, like I did mine (from a "cancer blog" to an everyday life blog - the ones who aren't interested just stop reading and those of us who are, can still follow your wonderful life.

I hope we get a chance to see you before you go - let us know when your "going away party" is. XOX Tina & John

Lilylou said...

Hi, Tina and John,
I'll be sending out an invitation, but so you can save the date, it's June 16.