It's been a week since the last cat pee incident. Everyone is happily eating the vet's kibble, so that's a go and it's not too expensive. And I gave raw food a brief try but I can see that it will take more effort to get them to eat it regularly. I have affixed a plastic lining to the coverlet that gets the pee the most often and have ordered a waterproof blanket to add to my arsenal of weapons.
And here are pictures that seem to testify to the growing maturity of all three of the cats. I was watching Sweeney Todd on a DVD last night and this little scene was certainly in contrast to the spurtings and crashings of the movie.
They are adorable together!!
I'm hoping it was some adolescent thing that is now outgrown.
Me too, Ms. T! Thanks for the kind words.
Oh, how sweet! These kittens cause problems? Can't believe it.
I know, it's hard to comprehend, isn't it?
So I see kittehs are getting along...keeping my paws crossed that there are no more occurrences of random pee.
Thank you, Miss K. We may have a contender for a West Coast annex of the Happy Kitten Cottage, if things continue.
And best wishes in your work to save the cat and kitten population of the greater Atlanta area!
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