Sunday, October 29, 2006


Delicious! That is, I learned at the local Apple Day celebration on Saturday that the tree on my property which is so loaded with ripening apples is an original Delicious apple tree, the original tree before they started crosspollinating and creating Red and Golden Delicious apples. They are a lovely oblong shape, with a bumpy bottom, and a greenish-yellow underskin with red freckly shoulders. And they are sweet, crisp and---------yes, DELICIOUS! I love apples, so I am looking forward to some wonderful chomping.

I took a bag of them to church this afternoon, inviting people to sample them and come on over and pick if they want to have more. They are just now getting to the peak of their flavor. I am going to pick a bunch and make apple crisp for a gathering I'm hosting later on this week.

Tomorrow I am part of the RCE team putting on a colloquy on Marriage Equality across the water in Everett at the Jewish temple there. I am carpooling and we have to be on the 7:30 a.m. ferry in order to be there on time. 5:00 a.m. sounds awfully early, but I keep reminding myself that my body will think it's 6 a.m. because we just shifted out of Daylight Savings Time.


Joel said...

There's no comparison between an apple off the tree and a store-boughten one. Growing up in Goldendale, I got kind of appled-out at an early age, but I never lost my love for winesap apples: the ones that show up in late fall and have a red streak of sweet through the middle. Alas, I haven't seen that strain of apple in about 20 years, and my Lovely and Brilliant Wife has never tasted one.

Joel said...

Oh, and I'm getting revenge for your book meme, by tagging you for one that you can have some fun with.

LinguistFriend said...

That evokes a memory of going to high school in Vermont, and the countryside where we had many apples and the problem was what to do with them. The final solution, of course, was to make cider and then syphon off what did not freeze over night. But I am not sure that Delicious would be appropriate for that. See Robert Frost in "North of Boston", on "After Apple-Picking".

Lilylou said...

I'll bring you all some apples when I come for Thanksgiving. They're really tasty.

Lilylou said...

Oh, great, Joel, you must think I'm still a brainiac! I let my IQ expire when the Mensa dues went up! Okay, but I'll have to let some spam through. Comcast is pretty good about filtering it.

Lilylou said...

LF, this Delicious apple is very flavorful, more so than Red Delicious. I'd love to have some cider made out of it and a friend here has a cider press, so I may get a chance to try it.

I am going to hunt up the Frost. Thanks for the reference.

Chalicechick said...

So am I the only reader here who just now figured out that the Joel who posts here and the Joel who posts other places in the UU blogosphere are not the same guy?


Lilylou said...

The Joel in this set of posts is my lovely nephew, who lives in Moses Lake, WA, and is my sister's son, CC. He keeps me on my toes in this family, believe me! He's sharp, funny, and a worthy dissenter.

Joel Monka at CUUMBAYA may be who you're thinking of and he is not my nephew, though he is also sharp, funny at times, and a worthy conservative UU.

Joel said...

Sorry about that, Chalicechick. Maybe I should change my username to "Joel the Trinitarian Dogmatist" or something. :)

Chalicechick said...

That would definetely make you stand out around here, Joel.