Thursday, December 28, 2006

Winter Eliot Institute

I'll be leaving in a little while to attend Winter Eliot Institute, at Seabeck Conference Center over on Hood Canal. The speaker is Rev. Patrick O'Neill and I'm looking forward to meeting him and hearing what he has to say. So many old friends congregate at Winter Eliot that I'll be able to connect with again, and I'm looking forward to that as well.

There are always lots of kids, youth, and young adults, as well as us older Elioteers, so it's four days of liveliness as well, with a talent show, musical events, a big New Year's dance and celebration (when most of us elders go to bed at 10 p.m. after sneaking nibbles of the feast).

I'll be back on New Year's Day and I hope I find that they have fixed the leak in my basement! The property management team, Polly and Brad, were here this morning to let me know that the fix is underway. The cats are disgruntled because I'm not letting them go downstairs, but they'll live.

Happy New Year, dear readers!


Berrysmom said...

Hope you have/had a great time at Eliot! Mucho love to my friend Patrick, a good man.


LinguistFriend said...

It sounds as if the institute will be a refreshing change of pace for you after a succession of mid winter weeks that must have taken something out of you. Meanwhile I will take a weekend trip to the fountainhead of snark and repartee in DC.
Have a good trip.